September 19, 2017 by jdevlin366
The teachers at Rosemount Primary and Nursery School feel that it is important that parents are involved in their child’s learning.
Below you will find the planned “Literacy and Numeracy Learning Intentions” for P4 pupils.
It is important that you take time to read these.
They will provide an insight into your child’s learning.
By the end of the next seven weeks P4 pupils should be able to:
• Read, write and spell words using sh, ch, th, ai/ay, ee/ea, igh/y sound patterns and blends.
• Use a dictionary, word book and thesaurus to develop their vocabulary and spelling.
• Identify and use nouns and proper nouns.
• Recognise alphabetical order using the first and second letter in a word.
• Recognise, understand and use capital letters and full stops in writing.
• Recognise, understand and use a range of adjectives/ describing words in sentences.
• Recognise, understand and use the term imperative verbs (bossy verbs).
• Read and find information in a text.
• Identify the main idea within a text.
• Sequence and predict.
• Find similarities and differences.
• Consider point of view in a story.
• Explore alternative endings to traditional tales.
• Summarise, infer and distinguish between fact or opinion.
• Listen actively and share opinions.
• Participate in shared, paired, modelled, guided and silent reading sessions.
• Demonstrate an understanding of passages through discussion of events, the characters and the author’s intentions.
• Share read a variety of fact and fiction books displayed in the classroom
• Attend the school library on a weekly basis
• Listen to a range of stories being read aloud by the teacher/ on audio tape in class.
• Use descriptive language to write an autobiography.
• Explore and write about the season of Autumn using pictures as a stimulus.
• Create an alternative ending to a familiar story (The Three Little Pigs.)
• Explore the use of adjectives in writing by creating a Wanted Poster for a witch.
• Use time connectives and bossy verbs to create a set of instructions for carving Halloween Pumpkins/ making Halloween Jelly.
• Develop their critical thinking, questioning and reasoning through weekly Community of Enquiry Lessons.
• Listen actively and share opinions.
• Ask focused questions.
• Give and respond to feedback.
• Justify opinions and conclusions.
Numeracy Learning Intentions
Mental Maths
• Count forwards and backwards in sets of 2, 5, 10 from different starting points within 100.
• Show an understanding of place value and identify the value of an underlined digit-H,T,U
• Develop quick recall of addition and subtraction facts to 20
• Identify addition and subtraction trios to 20.
• Revise number stories to 20.
• Show an understanding of how to find the difference between two numbers.
• Add numbers mentally.
• Quickly recall the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
• Use the language of multiplication
• Identify and sort odd and even numbers
• Position numbers correctly on a hundred square and identify columns and rows.
• Add tens and units with carrying and without carrying.
• Subtract tens and units using decomposition and without exchange.
• Understand and use the different language for addition and subtraction.
• Investigate the 2, 5 and 10 times tables using repeated addition.
• Complete addition, subtraction and multiplication word problems.
• Order numbers to 100.
• Over the next seven weeks’ pupils will have an opportunity to develop their problem solving skills while carrying out various maths investigations. These maths investigations will have a real life dimension. Pupils will learn to use a range of problem solving strategies in order to solve maths problems and reach solutions.
• Problem solving investigations will include
- The Hundred Square Jigsaw
- Place Value People.
- Number Towers.
-Magic Squares.
Personal skills and personal capabilities underpin success in all aspects of life and at Rosemount Primary School. We aim to foster these explicitly so that children are helped to develop self management skills and the ability to interact effectively with others. Thinking skills are tools that help children go beyond the acquisition of knowledge to search for meaning, apply ideas, analyse patterns and relationships and evaluate their learning. Over the next seven weeks P.4 pupils will be given worthwhile experiences in maths, literacy and across the curriculum which will enable them to develop skills in:
• Thinking, problem-solving and decision-making
• Self management
• Working with others
• Managing Information
• Being creative.